Wondering When to Visit The Fertility Specialist? Know more

Dec 27, 2016


Wondering When to Visit The Fertility Specialist? Know more

Yes, the question ‘when to visit fertility specialist’ can be a puzzling one as most of the couples are excited to have a baby, but if they do not conceive immediately, they get disappointed. You have been trying for the past few months to conceive, and nothing is happening. It seems like babies are all around you, but you do not have one. You simply avoid discussing this infertility issue with friends of the family for several reasons. Considering the uneasiness with couples while discussing the issue with others or the shyness that keeps them from discussing fertility treatment with doctors or others, it just does not work as many people do not get the right information and are not aware of how medical science has progressed and how the treatment today are the best. Of course, talking to the doctor is the best option instead of finding solutions from elsewhere.

What to look out for?

It is highly important to be patient for the couple and wait for at least 12 months before approaching the specialist. Women who are over the age of 35 can consult the specialist a little early. Even those with irregular cycles or if they are suffering from any kind of disease should visit after 6 months. Some also have genetic issues of not conceiving due to several factors, and that can be with any one of the partners. If the couple already knows that the medical history of one of the partner is not normal, considering a visit to the fertility specialist as soon as possible is the best way. If there is a miscarriage without knowing that you were pregnant, it is better to visit the specialist before planning to conceive the next time. If you are suffering from thyroid for a long time and so you are unable to conceive, it does make sense to visit the doctor immediately, so that the treatment begins early.


Visiting the best fertility specialist after you notice the above-mentioned symptoms is a good idea. One can also visit for an overall checkup before planning to conceive which works to the advantage.

Vansh Fertility & Test Tube Baby Center

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